
Essays by Dr. John Stella

Reformatted copies of essays originally found on metta.lk.

The Buddha and Catch-22

From Beginnings by Ven. Bodheskao.

Mrs Willett’s Mediumship

This book is discussed in several letters in Clearing the Path, and Ven. Ñāṇavīra described it as being “of remarkable interest from several points of view”. This PDF used to be available elsewhere, but I’m hosting a copy here as it seems difficult to find. The full title is A Study of the Psychological Aspects of Mrs Willett’s Mediumship, and of the Statements of the Communicators concerning Process by Gerald William Earl of Balfour, P.C., LL.D.

UTF-8 SLTP Tipiṭaka

The original version of the UTF-8 plain-text version of the Tipiṭaka by the Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project can be hard to track down. I have uploaded it to GitHub, on a fork of a repo owned by SuttaCentral. The SuttaCentral GitHub account also contains other digitised editions of Pali texts which it may be preferable to work with, given the lack of organisation of the SLTP edition.

Path Press on Facebook

I currently maintain the Path Press Facebook page. Posts are mostly excerpts from various works by the authors published by Path Press, and occasionally news about Path Press itself.


To listen to these podcasts, copy the links in bold and paste them into your podcast app of choice.

The Hillside Hermitage podcast is a podcast feed of the MP3 files that get posted to the Hillside Hermitage Telegram channel.

The Samaṇadīpa Monastery podcast is made by taking the audio from the videos posted to the Samaṇadīpa Monastery YouTube channel.

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